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Members gain access to the following information:
South African Health Products Regulatory Authority
Ethics Committees
ACRP South Africa
Members Meetings
Conferences and Training
Events Calendar
Executive Committee
Industry Resources
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Annual Membership
The price for our Annual Membership is ZAR R1250 for 2021.
There is a standard membership fee that caters for all Member needs:
Access to MEMBER section of our website;
Regular SACRA Newsletters, exclusive content for our members;
Monthly Industry & SAHPRA Updates;
Members Meetings;
Quarterly FREE Breakfast meeting: presentations, discussions and talks on the latest industry developments, topics of interest;
Access to the SACRA Events Calendar;
Executive Committee Support;
Industry Resources;
Job Vacancy Notifications;
Invites to attend online webinars on various topics, including our Regional Clinical Research Biennial Conference.
Please complete membership form below.
You will receive an INVOICE via email, once RECEIPT of your membership fees are confirmed, SACRA will email you notification that your membership is active.