You are all requested to take 3 minutes of your time to cast your vote for the next SACRA Exco.
Visit the SACRA home page at "About SACRA" and you will find the "2019/2020 Election" page that will lead you to the Member log-in to the SACRA website, in order for registered SACRA members to cast their vote.
Sectors’ nominee profiles are on the SACRA website homepage under 'About SACRA' - Voting 2019 Exco.
Those listed are names that have received at least three nominations for the SACRA 2019-2020, Executive Committee.
Voting closes 9th November 2018.
Industry -specific sectors have been categorised per voting page and their Regions identified so that each region should receive a representative vote as well.
In compliance with the SACRA constitution, EXCO my co-opt additional members.
Please cast up to 11 votes, but no more than the individual sector/regional thresholds.
As per the Constitution, only registered SACRA members are legible to vote.
The Voter’s Poll is placed on the 2019/2020 Election Page (Under: ABOUT SACRA) of this website which can only be viewed once you have logged in!
How to cast your vote:
Regional representatives:
3 for Western Cape(vote threshold)
1 for Free State (vote threshold)
1 for KwaZulu-Natal (vote threshold)
CRO/Independent Sector representatives: 1 (vote threshold)
Pharma/Device Sector representatives: 2 (vote threshold)
Site Investigators/SMO Sector representatives: 3 (vote threshold)
Service Providers Category: All regional representatives
Voting takes less than three minutes to complete.
Happy voting !