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World Cancer Day: 4th February.

World Cancer Day: 2019:  "I am and I will" - all about your story and your commitment.

Each year on 4 February, World Cancer Day empowers all of us across the world to show support, raise our collective voice, take personal action and press our governments to do more. World Cancer Day is the only day on the global health calendar where we can all unite and rally under the one banner of cancer in a positive and inspiring way.

The theme for 2019 is "I am and I will" - all about your story and your commitment.

There is need to explore alternate avenues of treating and supporting Cancer patients to build their immunity in fighting the effects of Cancer Cells - we need to commit to finding all avenues in enhancing our health and in preventing Cancer.

Visit: The Truth About Cancer | Best Ways To Prevent And Beat‎‎

The global cancer epidemic is currently enormous and is set to continue rising. Approximately 8.2 million people die from the disease worldwide every year, of which 4 million are premature deaths (aged 30 to 69 years). Over the next ten years, it’s projected that cancer deaths will increase to over 14 million per year. In South, Africa, cancer is under–reported due to the lack of a comprehensive cancer surveillance system. Team up with local sport heroes, clubs and organisations, and create activities or events to bring greater awareness to the cancer cause (walk, bike ride, dance class, or a yoga event). Local sports clubs can promote the Day with in stadium messaging, donate proceeds from ticket sales to Cancer Associations or simply use the power of their networks by spreading the word on social media.

The Truth About Cancer | Best Ways To Prevent And Beat‎‎

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