Please help to distribute the link below of the survey to sites that you working with:
SACRA would like to conduct a survey to gather data on capacity building initiatives at Clinical Site level to be completed by 10th May.
The survey is open to all Research sites in South Africa. Capacity building in the South African context is defined as an evidence-driven process of strengthening the ability of individuals, organisations and systems to perform core functions sustainable, and to continue to improve and develop over time.
To support capacity building and transformation applications for clinical research, applications should include evidence and activity plans to build capacity at each study site as well as enhancing research activities and skills of professionals from previously disadvantaged groups.
The sponsor/applicant is encouraged to ensure that selected trial sites include a diverse demographic distribution of all healthcare professionals who possess the required qualifications and experience.
Both the sponsor/applicant and the Clinical Trial Site should ensure that previously disadvantaged members of staff at all levels are given well defined roles that will enhance acquisition of expertise for future involvement in the conduct of clinical trials.
Since the theme for SACRA conference May 2019 is Capacity Building, we are conducting a survey to assess site implementation of capacity building.
This will enable us to provide an overall input of the current status representing majority of the sites.
Responding to this survey will constitute consent of participating site.
To avoid duplicates, we advise that one site member complete the survey by 10th May.
We encourage all sites to participate, the information will not identify the site details, only demographics.
Link below:
Capacity Building In SA Research Sites
SACRA Exco 2019/20