In order to follow up with SAHPRA on all pending applications and with accurate data concerning all CTF1 and Export and Import Licence permits submissions, SACRA needs your data tracked on the spreadsheets in the links below.
We are capturing all data on permits applied for and their status retrospectively until end of August 2020 [end of the third Quarter 2020].
We are also keen to receive all your data on CTF1 submissions made, even if none is pending to date.
All submissions to be made to:
All IPASA Companies to submit theirs to
Refer this email to the person in your company responsible for CTF1 and Export and Import Permit submissions.we can establish direct communication with them on an on-going basis, for current update
Please fill in the form and hand it in by September 20th, 2020.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Download the trackers below: