The NHREC system was initially created to streamline the application process for ethics and SANCTR approvals, however, since its development, the NHREC only served as a portal to indicate that a trial has been submitted to SANCTR.
When the new SANCTR database was developed to be housed at Cochrane South Africa, with the South African Medical Research Council.
We have done away with the NHREC system/platform.
Going forward the only point of trial data entry is the new SANCTR database on this url:
The new SANCTR database has been live for a couple of months now and should be the platform used going forward.
To account for the quoted statement particularly the proof of capture form (highlighted), the new SANCTR has an option to print after all the information is captured and submitted for review as proof that the trial has been captured on SANCTR.
This printout can be included in the ethics submission pack to request ethics approval:
The clinical research study should be registered/logged online with the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NHREC).
A 'proof of capture' form will be generated and should be included with the ethics application to the accredited local Health Research Ethics Committee.
Clinical trials also have to register trial-specific information online with the South African National Clinical Trials Register (SANCTR) and feedback the trial number obtained to the NHREC
For all new trials and also to update any trial information on SANCTR, the new SANCTR database should be used.
If a trial is captured in the NHREC, unfortunately, SANCTR will not be able to review and process to receive a DOH #.